Local author and Canisteo CSD Faculty member Suzan Askins recently visited with students in grades PK-6th grade at the Arkport Central School District to talk about her book, "Riding with Nana," which chronicles an exciting adventure the author experienced while visiting her grandmother as a child.
In addition to reading the story aloud to students, Askins discussed the process of becoming a published author. It all starts with an idea, she said.
Askins then shared with the children one of the many notebooks she uses to write story ideas. She also talked about how her pencil turns into a magical instrument when she writes and encouraged students to hold onto their memories as each of them has unique experiences and stories to share with others.
Askins also spoke with students about the editing process, adding illustrations and finally seeing the finished product.
Arkport Librarian Katharine Houy said, “Suzan's presentation was well-received by our students. In detailing the steps to make her book, the students realized that they are learning these skills in their classrooms each and every day. We have some aspiring authors that are ready to write!”
The visit concluded with Askins giving away several copies of her book.