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The Arkport Central School District invites parents/guardians of toddler and school age children to attend a free, five-week course called “Flip It.” 

The course will take place Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the district beginning Jan. 19. 
Flip It is designed for parents/guardians who are feeling tested by their child’s challenging behaviors.  Flip It is a strategy that offers a simple, kind, strength-based, commonsense and effective four-step process to address children’s day-to-day challenging behaviors. The four steps are embodied in it’s mnemonic which stands for F – Feelings, L – Limits, I – Inquiries, and P – Prompts. 

The course will be led by Karen Sweeney a certified Flip It trainer and New York State Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP) credentialed senior parenting education. 

Childcare may be provided upon request. For more information or to register for the course, contact Karen Sweeney T 607-426-4879 or markarensweeney@gmail.com.