On Thursday, Sept. 2, Arkport Central School District administrators shared an overview of its COVID-19 prevention strategies for the 2021-22 school year during a community livestream on Facebook and YouTube. Notice of the livestream was shared via all-call to Arkport families. Watch a recording of the livestream here or read below for a summary of the presentation.
For the 2021-22 school year, the district will follow a layered mitigation protocol chart that will detail what must occur during each level. The risk levels (low, moderate, substantial, high) are based off community transmission rates, the number of vaccinated community members, the strain on the health systems and COVID-19 trends in school districts across the state.
Students, staff and faculty will be asked three daily screening questions as they arrive at school doors. Unlike the 2020-21 school year, the district will not be checking temperatures.
Students will be distanced 3 feet within the classrooms and hallways. Students will be distanced 6 feet during chorus, band and physical education.
Face masks will be required indoors on school grounds, as per the New York State Department of Health and Governor’s office. Although mandatory face masks were not part of the district’s 2021-22 plans, the state ruling has superseded that. Masks are optional outside and can be removed during meals, during outdoor class times and during recess. The school has cloth and disposable masks available for anyone who is in need. Please note: Alleghany County schools have been permitted by the Alleghany Department of Health to remove masks while separated 6 feet apart. Currently, the Steuben County Department of Health is not allowing Steuben County schools a similar exception.
Remote learning is currently not being offered. If COVID-19 cases rise, the district may temporarily switch to all-remote schooling.
10-day quarantines are advised for individuals who have been unmasked and spaced less than 6 feet from someone with COVID-19 for more than 10 minutes. Since students will be properly social distanced in their classrooms, the district believes that any quarantine during this school year will be from close contact within the lunchroom.
High surface areas will be disinfected daily.
More information about the district’s COVID-19 precautions and protocols can be found on the Reopening 2021 page on the district’s website.