The Arkport Central School District is hard at work developing its reopening plan for the 2020-21 school year based on guidance from the state and feedback from our school community. This plan is expected to be posted to the website at the beginning of August.
Earlier this month, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) released guidance to help school districts as they plan to reopen, whether that occurs in person, remotely, or in a combination of the two.
We are sharing some highlights of their guidance below so that our school community can begin to become familiar with the parameters that will shape the coming school year.
The district’s reopening plan and other reopening related information will be posted to this page.
Summary of Guidance/Required Elements for Reopening Plans
Face Coverings and Social Distancing
- Face coverings are strongly recommended to be worn by all individuals at all times and must be worn any time appropriate social distancing cannot be maintained and in common areas (e.g. hallways, cafeterias) and on school buses.
- Students are allowed to remove their face coverings during meals, instruction, and for short breaks so long as they maintain appropriate social distance.
- Districts must take steps to ensure social distancing for any activities on-site. The NYSDOH defines appropriate social distancing as six feet of space in all directions.
Health Screening
- Anyone who enters a building must have their temperature checked daily and the Department of Health is encouraging remote screenings at home prior to students departing for school. Anyone who has a temperature greater than 100.0 degrees will need to stay home.
- The screening process will include additional questions to help identify individuals who may have COVID-19 or may have been exposed to it.
- Schedules included in plans must address in-person instruction, remote instruction, and hybrid instruction. Plans must provide for continuity of learning despite instructional method, including substantive daily interaction.
- In planning for various approaches and models, school plans should indicate if certain students will be prioritized to return to in-person instruction first or more frequently based on educational or other needs.
- School officials should make every effort to “cohort” students to limit potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Cohorts, particularly for younger students, should be self-contained, preassigned groups of students with reasonable group size limits.
- The district will need to make provisions for internet access for those who need it.
- Mental Health and Social and Emotional Support
- Reopening plans will include details on how the district will support students with transitioning back to the school setting.
- On the school bus, students will need to wear face coverings and social distance (unless members of the same household).
- NYSDOH states that districts should encourage parents to drive students to and from school or have them walk in order to reduce density on buses.
- Food and Nutrition
- Districts must provide for on-site and remote food services for students.
- Food and nutrition plans must also identify how students will wash hands before and after eating and how the sharing of food will be discouraged.
- Students, faculty, and staff must observe social distancing while eating meals in school.
- Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfecting
- Districts will follow and promote hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection guidance set forth by DOH and CDC.
Athletics, Events and Extracurriculars
- Reopening plans must also address policies regarding field trips, special congregate events, and visitors, as well as extracurricular and interscholastic athletic programs and which activities will be allowed.