The Arkport Central School District is working to create a reopening plan for the fall with available guidance from public health and education agencies. Any plan for reopening will focus on keeping the students, faculty, and staff safe while in school.
New York State has released guidance on whether or not a school will be able to offer in-person learning. This guidance states that a school district may open if their region is in Phase 4 of reopening and has a 14 day average of new COVID-19 cases that below 5%. Currently, our region – the Southern Tier – meets both metrics. At this time, the Arkport Central School District is allowed to reopen for in-person instruction.
We know that reopening our schools is a community-wide undertaking. To that end, we are asking for your thoughts to inform our decision making through a ThoughtExchange survey. We are using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to the group.
We will continue to communicate updates to you as our work continues. We appreciate your time and insight in helping us understand what our community would like for their children during this difficult time.
Thank you for your thoughtful responses to these questions. This survey will close on July 20, 2020.
Click the link below to share your thoughts: