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The Arkport Central School District would like to recognize students from Nikki Walker’s class at Arkport High School for their outstanding performance on the Human Geography Advanced Placement (AP) exam. 

This year not only marked the first year that AP exams were offered at Arkport Central School District, but it was the first year that the exams were taken remotely at home. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Human Geography exam was administered online to 218,253 public high school students around the world. 

The mean score from Arkport students was 3.07%, 11% higher than the global average and 12% higher than the state average. 

80% of the Arkport students who took the exam scored a 3 or higher, 21% higher than the global average and 22% higher than the state average. 

About the exam
For Advanced Placement classes, the syllabus must be approved by the College Board to ensure that the work rises to the level of college study, and the College Board administers an AP final exam to students at the and of the school year.

AP exams are scored on a scale of 1 to 5. A score of 5, meaning the student is extremely well qualified to receive college credit for that course, is the highest score. A score of 4 means the student is well qualified and a score of 3 indicates that the student is qualified.

If a student receives a qualifying score on the final exam and goes on to attend college, the student may receive college credits for the AP class. When a student enters college after high school graduation, the college he or she attends determines which credits will be accepted.