To Seniors, Senior Parents/Guardians, Staff, Families, and Friends:
As you’re likely aware, Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced that he would allow socially-distant high school graduations outdoors of up to 150 people beginning June 26.
Although the Arkport Class of 2020 is comprised of only 31 students, the state’s 150-attendee limit will severely impact the number of family, friends and staff that may participate in this year’s commencement ceremony.
We invite our school community to help us advocate for our seniors by calling the governor’s office and asking him to consider increasing the number of attendees at in-person graduation ceremonies using the same percentage limit that is being used for other businesses, beaches and big box stores: 25 percent of the venue’s seating capacity.
The Arkport Central School District would be able to hold one graduation ceremony which includes the entire graduating class, multiple family members and necessary staff and faculty on our modified field while meeting a 25 percent capacity threshold and enforcing our state and county’s social distancing guidelines.
The phone number for the governor’s office is (518) 474-8390.