Arkport News in white letters over dark blue background, with blue jay logo in the lower right corner

The Hornell YMCA will operate an after school care program Monday through Friday at Arkport Central School District. This is a New York State licensed program developed by the Y to foster a child’s personal, physical and emotional growth.

This program will be operated during the hours of 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. The cost for the three-day program is $90 and the for the five-day program is $120. 

The goals of the are to:

  • To provide quality care for children regardless of social or economic background.

  • To help children develop to their fullest potential

  • To deliver the program in a positive YMCA environment of safety, support, and care.

The YMCA believes the After School Program should provide opportunities and experiences which stimulate a child's physical, social, intellectual and emotional development. Examples: gym activities, games, arts and crafts, movies, books, and a nutritional snack. The YMCA believes the program should work in cooperation with other area institutions including schools, churches, social service agencies, etc., when possible.

Registration fee:  We no longer have the $20 registration fee, however we now require that a child must become an active YMCA member in order to register for an after school program.


Contact Chelsea Larson at the YMCA at with specific questions. Applications will be available at the Hornell YMCA, located at 18 Center Street, Hornell, NY 14843, (607)324-5520

For more information, please visit the Hornell Area Family website.