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Dear ACS Families,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to provide you with an update on the district's search for an Interim 7-12 Principal. 

Recently Mr. Koby Hahn stepped down from the position as 7-12 Principal to join the Bath CSD. We greatly appreciate his time with the district, thank him for his valuable contributions to the students of Arkport, and wish him the very best in his new endeavor.

As we embark on the task of finding a suitable replacement for Mr. Hahn, the Board of Education has made it a priority to gather feedback from all district stakeholders. Engaging the entire school community will help us make informed decisions regarding the district's administrative structure, identify key areas of importance, and ensure that every voice is heard throughout this crucial process. 

It will take some time to gather and analyze this information.  To ensure we give the proper attention and detail to the process, we concluded the best option is to hire an Interim 7-12 Principal. This will enable the district to determine students’ needs, how to best meet those needs, as well as address stakeholders’ key priorities.

We will immediately post the position of an Interim 7-12 Principal. Stakeholder outreach and information gathering will commence later this summer. While we have not set a firm deadline for hiring a new administrator, we aim to initiate the process by mid-year.

In the coming weeks, you will receive updates on the progress of the search for an Interim Principal. In addition, please watch for information on how you can contribute to the process of propelling the Arkport Central School District into the next phase of its journey.

Thank you for your continued support.


Jesse Harper

Superintendent of Schools

Arkport Central School District