Excerpt for the Board of Education statement on DEI:
The board recognizes that creating such a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment must be done in an age-appropriate manner, and that this is an active process, one that will evolve and develop with time. In addition, we recognize that Arkport’s students, faculty, staff, and community have personal opinions on diversity and may believe that a school district should be neutral in its representation of information. It is the board’s belief that not only does this go against the very purpose of serving all students, it also stifles the free and appropriate sharing of ideas, which is the very basis of learning. To be clear, the Arkport Central School District Board of Education is not advocating for one perspective over another, we are advocating for all perspectives to be given equal weight and opportunity, to fully and most capably serve all Arkport students. We strive to create an environment where differing opinions can be shared and where civil discourse can take place, again, in an age-appropriate and respectful manner. We deem this absolutely necessary to foster caring individuals, capable of critical thinking, which in turn can lead to improved student achievement and more successful outcomes.